
Dora Dalila Cheffi Born in Helsinki in 1990. Lives and works in Tunis After studying photography from Pekka Halonnen Academy in 2014 and graduating from Aalto University School of Art, Design and Architecture with a minor in sculpture and painting in 2018, Dora Dalila Cheffi, moved to Tunisia willing to explore the complexity of her contrasted and mixed roots. Cheffi has been active since february 2020, launching her solo exhibition "Bitter oranges” in Tunis. She took also part in the group exhibition "Summer show" with Selma Feriani Gallery in August, then shifted to the digital space with ‘Screenshots of Novel Realities’ solo exhibition in The Other Space by Andersen’s Contemporary in June and ‘Imitating Equilibrium’ with Taymour Grahne Projects in November. Cheffi soaks up her daily experiences and the dynamics of her surroundings in the physical and digital space with an observant eye that she reflects through her paintings and videos.